Write for Us

Write for Us - Guest Post

Are you looking for an opportunity to write a guest post on our blog? You’re at the right place!

Geek Instructor is the fastest growing tech blog which can be a great platform for you to share your thoughts and knowledge with the world. We are trying to add more valuable content to our blog every day and we will be happy if you will also contribute to it.

What topics you can write

You can post articles on any tech related topic such as Android, iPhone, Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube, Windows, Blogging, Blogger, WordPress, SEO, AdSense, Analytics and more.

The article could be in any form such as tricks, tips, news, review or how-to tutorial. To get more idea about what kind of articles we post on our blog, you can check our sitemap page.

Guest post guidelines

Here we have listed some of our guest post guidelines. Make sure that you have followed them before requesting us to review your article.

  • The content should be original and unique. Please don’t send us content which is copied from different sources on the web.
  • The length of the characters should be more than 800 words at least. Also, try to maintain targeted keyword density between 1% to 3%.
  • The title of the article should be simple, attractive, and short in length.
  • Make sure to divide the content in various headings and sub-headings. Also, use bullet points and numbers when showing some steps or list.
  • Don’t forget to add images, screenshots, and videos in the article wherever necessary. Also, create one cover image for the article with some text written on it.
  • Write a short description of around 150 words for the meta description tag.
  • You can add links in the article for reference purpose only. We will add nofollow attribute to the external links (except for few authorized sites).
  • As mentioned earlier, you are not allowed to promote your product or service in any way.
  • There should not be any grammar, spelling, or vocabulary errors in the article. Make sure to proofread the article carefully. You can also use an online tool such as Grammarly to fix such mistakes in the writing.
  • Make sure to add your author bio at the end of the article. You can add your personal blog or social media details in the bio. We won’t add nofollow attribute in this link.
  • At last, your article should also comply with Blogger Content Policies and Google Prohibited Content Policies.

Note: You are not allowed to promote your product or service in the guest post. For such queries, you can contact us seperately.

Submit your article

You can send us your article with a subject line “Guest Post Request” at contact@geekinstructor.com email address.

The article should be in PDF, DOCS or TXT file. You can attach images and screenshots in the email. We will review your article manually and then publish it on our blog if it follows all our guidelines.

Terms and conditions

By posting an article on our blog, you must agree to these terms –

  • Once your article is published, you are not allowed to post it on other websites.
  • If your article is found to voilate our policies in future, we may edit or delete it without asking for your permission.