How to Delete All Empty Folders on Android at Once

Is your file manager filled up with a lot of empty folders and you want to delete them all at once?

Though, empty folders don’t take any storage space on your Android phone but they can make your file manager cluttered. You can delete empty folders to make your phone directory more organized and accessible.

Delete empty folders on WhatsApp at once

There may be hundreds of empty folders in your phone and it’s a tedious task to delete them manually. We came up with this tutorial to help you out in deleting all empty folders on your phone at once.

How to delete all empty folders on Android at once

Empty Folder Cleaner is an app available on Google Play Store which allows you to delete all empty folders on your Android phone in one click. You can also delete empty folders from your external storage/memory card (root is required for this feature).

The good things about this application is, it has a very simple interface, small download size (less than 1MB) and no advertisement.

This step-by-step guide shows you how to clear all empty folders on your Android phone at once –

  1. First, download and install Empty Folder Cleaner app on your phone.
  2. Now open it and tap “Delete Empty Folders” button.
    Delete empty folders on Android

    As you tap the delete button, the app will scan your phone directory to find empty folders and delete them automatically.

  3. If you don’t want to delete folders from the directories /Android/data, /LOST.DIR, and /DCIM, then go to Settings and untick “Scan Android created folders” button.
    Untick scan Android created folders option
  4. Once the deletion process is completed, you will see a list of empty folders that are deleted.
    Deleted empty folders log

Important things to note

  • This app will also delete hidden folders from your phone (those starting with “.” dot symbol).
  • Folders containing “.nomedia” and other hidden files won’t be deleted as they might be required by the system or apps which has created them.
  • Some empty folders may be created again automatically by the Android system or apps.
  • Also read: How to rename multiple files on Android at once

So that’s all you need to know about this tutorial. If you want to ask something, feel free to share it in the comment section.

About the author

Vivek Chaudhary Author
Tech writer & founder @Geek Instructor • Vivek Chaudhary is an experienced tech blogger who has been writing about technology for more than ten years. He's written over 1500 articles covering various tech topics. Vivek is passionate about sharing his expertise to help others. Beyond the digital realm, he enjoys traveling and creating videos on YouTube. Feel free to contact here:

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