How to Share Blogger Blog Posts on Twitter Automatically

Twitter is one of the best social media platforms for bloggers where you can reach your targeted audience very easily. If you have thousands of followers on Twitter, you can drive a good amount of traffic on your blog instantly.

One of the tedious tasks is to share your blog posts on all social media platforms manually. Blogger’s built-in auto share feature allows you to share blog posts on your Google Plus profile or page only.

Share Blogger posts on Twitter automatically

Luckily, there are a few web-based services that can help you to set automatic sharing of your blog posts on your Twitter account. These services uses your blog’s RSS feed and Twitter APIs to automatically share your blog posts once they are published.

Share Blogger blog posts on Twitter using IFTTT

IFTTT (short for If This Then That) is a web-based application which performs automatic tasks for you based on the simple conditional statements. It allows you to connect two or more devices, apps, and services with each other.

The automated tasks are known as applets in IFTTT. For example, you can create an applet to get weather forecast every day at 7:30 AM. There are so many built-in applets available in IFTTT and you can also create your own.

This step-by-step guide will show you how to setup an IFTTT applet to tweet your Blogger blog posts on your Twitter account automatically –

  1. Download and install IFTTT app on your phone or visit IFTTT website.
  2. Sign up to create a new account. If you already have an account, login into it.
  3. Go to Discover tab and search an applet named “Share your new Blogger posts to Twitter“.
    Share Blogger posts to Twitter IFTTT applet
  4. Open the applet and tap the “Turn ON” button to activate it.
    Turn on Blogger Twitter IFTTT applet
  5. In the next step, you will be asked to login to your Twitter and Blogger account to authenticate the IFTTT app. When asked by Blogger, select the blog whose posts you want to share on Twitter.
    Connect IFTTT app with Blogger
  6. Now you have to configure the applet settings. You can change the message and add ingredients (such as PostTitle, PostUrl, PostContent, Labels etc.) from your blog.
    Configure tweet settings
  7. If you wish to receive the notifications when the applet runs, tap the “Receive notifications…” button.
  8. Finally, tap the “Save” button. That’s it.

Now this IFTTT applet is all set to work for you. When you will publish a new post on your Blogger blog, it will be shared on your Twitter account automatically.

Share Blogger blog posts on Twitter using FeedBurner

You might be using FeedBurner to deliver your blog posts via email. FeedBurner can also help you to share your blog posts on Twitter automatically. To enable this feature in FeedBurner, follow this step-by-step guide –

  1. Visit FeedBurner website and login to your account.
  2. Now open your blog feed. If you are using FeedBurner for the first time, then add your blog feed first.
  3. Next, go to Publicize section and click Socialize option from the left menu.
  4. Tap “Add a Twitter account” button and connect your Twitter account with the FeedBurner app.
    FeedBurner Socialize tab
  5. Under Formatting Options, you can manage tweet settings such as post content, and hashtags. You can also see the preview of sample items.
    Tweet formatting options
  6. Finally, tap the “Save” button. That’s it.

Share Blogger blog posts on Twitter using is another web-based service similar to the FeedBurner which uses your blog’s RSS feed and Twitter APIs to automatically share new blog posts on your Twitter account.

  1. Visit website and sign up to create a new account.
  2. Go to Feeds > Automated section.
  3. Now enter the URL of your Blogger blog and add the RSS feed.
    Add blog RSS feed
  4. In the next step, click “Next: Connect Social” button. post settings
  5. Now connect to your Twitter account and authorize app to post tweets on your behalf.
    Connect Twitter app with
  6. Once you have connected your Twitter account, tap the “Start Posting” button.

So these are 3 different methods that can help you to share your Blogger blog posts on your Twitter account automatically. Let us know which method is best. If you are facing any problem, feel free to share it in the comment section.

About the author

Vivek Chaudhary Author
Tech writer & founder @Geek Instructor • Vivek Chaudhary is an experienced tech blogger who has been writing about technology for more than ten years. He's written over 1500 articles covering various tech topics. Vivek is passionate about sharing his expertise to help others. Beyond the digital realm, he enjoys traveling and creating videos on YouTube. Feel free to contact here:

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