Here, take a look at 8 amazing Mac tricks and tips that can make your virtual life so much easier.
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Keyboard shortcuts for anything you want
You’re probably aware of the common Mac keyboard shortcuts like Command+X to cut text, Command+V to paste text, and Command+C to copy text. But, that’s not all. You can compose an email in a snap by simply using the (Command) ⌘ + Shift + I shortcut. You can even define highlighted words by pressing ⌘ + Control + D.
Keyboard shortcuts can be used for cycle open applications (⌘ + Shift + Tab), quit a Safari window (⌘ + W), peak at your desktop (⌘ + F3) and so much more. Once you master these, you can become a Mac keyboard shortcut expert and your productivity will increase.
Accessing hidden files on Mac
System files that are essential to the operating system are usually kept hidden so that you don’t end up deleting them by mistake. But, there might be times when you need to see and access those files. While most of the files are safely hidden in the ~/Library folder, Mac has a treasure trove of files/documents that you might need for troubleshooting purposes. You can see hidden files through Finder or with terminal commands. You can even use file managers to reveal those hidden files so that you can use them.
Quickly see where files are stored
You don’t have to waste your time searching where your files have been stored. If you have a Documents or Downloads folder and want to see the files, you can simply hold Command and click on a file or folder to display the location on Finder.
Share your screen in messages
When you are in a message conversation with someone, you can easily share your screen by clicking on the ‘Details’ links. Then, you have to click on the icon that appears to be 2 screens together. This is going to initiate screen sharing with the person who you’re messaging.
This is extremely handy for troubleshooting problems, especially for Mac users who are less tech-savvy.
Easily turn a website into a dock app
If you want to add a website to your dock, you can do so by dragging the URL bar over to the dock’s button section that houses recently used and open apps. After you’ve added a website to the dock, it will become quicker for you to open it as you can click on it from that spot, along with all the other apps.
Rename a group of files at once
There’s no need to waste your time trying to individually rename a lot of photos or files on your Mac. You can go to Finder instead and select the bunch or group of photos or documents that you want to rename by clicking one, then holding down the Shift key and clicking the others. Then, right-click and keep scrolling down to the option where it says ‘Rename X items’.
Or, after you’ve selected your files, you can click on the cog icon and then click ‘Rename X items’. You will be able to replace text, add text or apply a format, such as ‘Martin’s birthday’ with a number for each picture.
Volume adjustment can be made more granular
You might have noticed that the difference between each volume step is larger than what you initially thought. It might be that your podcast, video, or music went from being too low to very loud in just one tap.
When you want to make the volume increments smaller, you can simply hold down the Option + up arrow as you are hitting the decrease or increase volume key. This is going to bring up the SoundBox and you can accordingly adjust the volume in a much more granular manner.
Currency conversions and calculations can be done in Spotlight
One of the most underrated features of Mac is Spotlight. Once you learn how to use it, you’ll be able to get around your computer much faster and without having to use a mouse. For instance, you can use this tool like a calculator and you can convert currency.
You need to click on the magnifying glass icon to open Spotlight. You’ll find this icon at the top left of the menu bar. Alternatively, you can tap Command + Space bar.
When you want to use it as a calculator, you can simply type into the search bar what you wish to calculate (for instance, 890 + 950 * 8) and the answer is going to appear as the search result. You can copy and paste the answer.
When you wish to use the tool as a currency converter, you need to type the amount that you want to convert, along with the currency symbol and the result will show you conversion rates in various currencies.
So, the next time that you use your Mac computer, remember these tricks and tips. It will surely make your life easier!