How to Edit Messages on Instagram After Sending

Want to know how to edit Instagram messages after they have been sent? Let’s face it – we all have been in a situation when you make a typo or grammar mistake while writing a message in hurry only to realise our mistake later.

Edit sent messages on Instagram

Editing messages after they have been sent is not a new concept. Many messaging apps like Telegram and iMessage on iPhone have been already providing this feature from a long time and recently WhatsApp has also added a similar feature.

In this article, we will discuss how to edit sent messages on Instagram. You will find out whether Instagram provides a feature as such to edit your messages after they are sent. If not, we will look at alternative solutions that can help you to fix your typos and grammar mistakes in Instagram messages. Let’s find out!

How to edit a sent message on Instagram

In the past, editing a direct message on Instagram wasn’t an option. However, Instagram has recently introduced this feature. Now you have the ability to edit messages even after sending them. This works on both iPhone and Android device. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open Instagram on your smartphone.
  2. Go to your Direct Messenger by tapping on the messenger icon in the upper-right corner.
    Open Instagram Direct Messages
  3. Navigate to chat where you want to edit a message.
    Open Instagram direct message to see timestamp
  4. Long-tap on the message. A pop-up menu will appear on your screen.
  5. Tap “Edit” option.
    Tap Edit option
  6. Update the message with correction.
    Edit sent message on Instagram
  7. Finally, tap Done option (or paper airplane icon) to save the changes.

You will now see “Edited” written above your message in the chat which indicates that you have made some changes. However, the other person won’t be able to see the previous message if they haven’t already seen it.

Edited label on Instagram message

Instagram will also replace the unread notification with your edited message. It is important to note that you are allowed to edit a message up to five times.

If you don’t find “Edit” option after long-pressing the message, try updating your Instagram app to the latest version.

Alternative method: Unsend and resend the message

As you may already know, Instagram has a feature that allows you to unsend a direct message after it has been sent. You can use this feature to make corrections in your conversation by unsending and resending the message. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your smartphone.
  2. Tap the Messenger icon in the top-right corner to go to your Direct Messages.
  3. Open the chat where you want to edit a direct message.
  4. Long-press on the message. This will open up a pop-up menu on your screen.
    Mark typos and grammar mistakes in Instagram message with asterisk
  5. Select Unsend option. After this, your message will get deleted from the conversation.
    Unsend a direct message on Instagram
  6. Now send a new message with corrections.
    Rewrite and send a new message with corrections

This method is particularly useful if the recipient has not seen your message. You will be able to edit your sent messages on Instagram without even letting the other person know.

Use the asterisk to mark your mistakes

Now let’s consider a case where you have sent a message on Instagram and it has been already seen by the recipient.

If you made a mistake, it is not a good idea to unsend and resend that message as it can cause confusion in your conversation.

Another way to correct your typos and grammar mistakes in a direct message is by using the asterisk (*) symbol.

All you need to do is reply to your own message on Instagram by swiping it to the left and then write corrections with an asterisk symbol at the starting. (See example in the below picture)

Mark typos and grammar mistakes in Instagram message with asterisk

The asterisk symbol will let the other person know that you have made some mistake in your previous message and the replied one is the correction. This will clear the context of your message without the need to unsend and resend it.

Frequently asked questions

Can I delete Instagram messages from both sides?

When you unsend a message you’ve sent in a chat on Instagram, it gets deleted from both sides. However, it is important to note that you can only unsend messages that you’ve sent from your end, not from the other person.

Does Instagram notify the person when you unsend a message?

Instagram does not notify the recipient when you unsend a message. The message will simply disappear from the conversation. However, it might be possible that the recipient has already seen your message via notification.

Can I edit a direct message on Instagram after it has been seen?

Yes, you can edit a direct message on Instagram even after it has been seen by the recipient. Previously, the only option was to unsend the message, but now there’s a dedicated feature for editing messages.

Can the other person see your edited messages on Instagram?

If you have unsend the message before it was seen by the recipient, there’s no way for the other person to see your old message. However, a person can also read Instagram messages without seen via notification and other methods.

Final thoughts

Following the footprints of Telegram and WhatsApp, Instagram is working on the ability to add a feature that lets you edit direct messages after they have been sent. Until this feature is added officially, you can use the workarounds we have discussed in this article to edit sent messages on Instagram. Let us know if you have any questions regarding this topic. Stay tuned with us for more interesting articles.

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About the author

Vivek Chaudhary Author
Tech writer & founder @Geek Instructor • Vivek Chaudhary is an experienced tech blogger who has been writing about technology for more than ten years. He's written over 1500 articles covering various tech topics. Vivek is passionate about sharing his expertise to help others. Beyond the digital realm, he enjoys traveling and creating videos on YouTube. Feel free to contact here:

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